
The dojo is a place to display how many pupils you have. Only the last 9 pupil brutes are displayed in the front area. Here you may mouseover each pupil to view their names. Other pupils only stand behind in the background. You can't mouseover to view their names.

The dojo is for display only (bragging rights). It has no other effect or practical uses.

  • If you have 100 pupils, your dojo is upgraded to show one building and one pillar.
  • If you have 1,000 pupils, your dojo has both buildings and both pillars.

Unqualified pupils that don't give you experience (duplicate pupils) still show up and count in your dojo.


Submit more if you like but no advertising or commercials please.

Dojo example

A starter dojo

Dojo 28000

A developed dojo with 28000+ pupils
